Monday, March 16, 2015



  Thanks to my mother i was a lucky. i did go to school. What is more, i went to secondary school as well as primary,and even to teacher traning.By the of age 19, i was "something" not only in my own eyes but also but in the eyes of the community.Such was the lack of educated people that even with qualifications,that would seem like ant spittle in other parts of the world, i was held in very high esteem. i was a one eyed giant in the land of the blind.

When at the age of 23,i found my self asingle parebt with three  children,who depended solely on me for their survival, i saw the tremendous advantage that was mine. Many a woman finding herself in a similar situation,would have had no other alternative but to find another man to provide dor her.

I chose to remain single.i decided to raise my three children alone.until the yougest finished high school. Why? i knew that any man marrying a women in her early twenties, would expect to have children with that woman.But i also knew that children are not cement; they do not glue a man to the woman who is the mother of his children.This what that brilliant teacher,bitter expreience,had taught me by this time..

Would i have been in a position to make those choices,had i not had my Teacher's Certificate,humble as it was? Would i have ever been aware that such choices existed,that it was not compulsory to be always attached to a men? i made those choices because i had the means of supporting myself and my children.i knew i would not be confined to menial jobs for the rest of my life.Although i had to work for some time as a domestic laborer,i knew that one day i would go back to teaching.And as soon as i was able to start teaching again,i astrted studying once more,

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