Monday, March 16, 2015

Teenagers & entertainment

Teenagers & entertainment

The school was celebrating the 50th anniversary.every grade could select an item to show their parents some special thing about the school.They had to make some money towards the school funt too.
Grade Eights selected useful Hobbies.
Grade Nines selected An Exhibition.
Grade Tens selected Entertainment.
they prepared a programme of entertainment ane called it Teen entertainment.
   One item was music.were studentswho could play instruments.the frieds talked among themselves and decided to from a band.they broughttheir own instruments from home.They met the music teacher.The music teacher helped them to select the music.They selected some old favourites like,'Whispering hope';My bonney lies over the Ocean;'Clementine'and some modern ones:'Country Roads',andd the theme song,from the film The Titanic,"My heart will go on'  

Science And Technology

 Science And Technologyhas helped people to again control over nature. the first people had little control nature. they had to depend on nature for their living. they had only simple tools they did not know how to raise animals or plants.they had no permanent homes.animal skins were their only protection against the cold.the sun was their only source of light. with the passage of time,people discovered how to make fire and learnt to raise animals and cops.with the development of farming they began to build settlements, then they discovered new methods to make their work easier and to increase their comforts through the ages technology has helped people to build a more comfortable way of life......

some students grade 10 toput upasell for teen fashions. they collected sample designs from fashion magazines. they had clothes for both girls and boys they wrote to some well known stores asking them to display their at a display their wear.the dealers very pleased,and even offerd the clothes at a discounts were very happy...Nalani brought some of her own designs.her mother was a good seams trees,she had helped Nalani withthe designs,she had provided samples of different types of collars they were so good that people thought she had got them tailored .The stall also provided information on fabric types and designs.they also provided information on how to select clothes,such as the colours most suitable for different occasions and times of the day.........