Monday, March 16, 2015



   i've applied for a job at the Rich Bank,but it seems they're only taking people who're fluent in English.Of course,i toldthem,Im really very fluent,but from the way they looked at me.i knew they did't beleve me.

   I think I'm going too fast for you.What actually happened was this-I sent an application,without any thought about the qualification as such.I just wanted to work in a bank, because everybody says it's great to get loans and so on.

   Anyway,although i sent the application, i had no hope of being called for an interviwe.Can you beleve it-they actually sent me a letter asking me to come for an interviwe.

   I showed it to my parents-my mother was very proud,but my father laughed and said they must've called every applicant to the interviwe,without sorting out the application.

   I was not going to listen to him-I had already pictured myself as an executive,drinking coffee in an air-conditioned room behind a huge desk.

   May be i should've listened to him.The interviwe was a beging with,i did't have the right clothes-I was so desperate,i thought I'll were my school uniform,because that seemed the only proper thing I had

   luckily my friend Rehina,who lives next door said i could borrow any of her clothes I asked for a white blouse because i had read in a magazine that white and gray are the colours people associate with banks.She was surprised and said.Why white?"it's colour of mornning" i daid "No it's the colour banking"and she just shrugged her shoulders.shoulders.should've asked her for another colour-the entire interviwe panel was dressed in bright colours-and i went in white.

   To come back to the interviwe,they asked me about my school etc. which was fine-i answered all the questions.Then they asked me why i wanted to work in a bank,i was stuck-i didn't want to tell them about the money and the loans.While i was wondering what to say,a horrble man on the panel asked me what my English qualifications wre-i said,"O level" and he said that didn't mean a thing.Then,a worse thing happened-they said i had to come for the English Test this weekend-that's tommorrow-i don't know what to do.i hope they don'tgive any grammar questions,I'll fail as soon as i see them,and faint in to the bargain.

          See You Soon,Wish Me luck....

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