Monday, March 16, 2015

A dictionary is a book

A dictionary is a book 

A dictionary is a book from which people can find out what words mean, how they are spelt and pronounced. The words are arrenged in alphabetical order. Thus abroad comes before absent. because 'r' comes before 's' and so on. The order of every letter is taken into consideration.

  The pronunciation is given is signs that stand for various sounds. These signs are explained in the dictionary. Then an abbreviation or a short from will show the part of speech, e.g (n) stands for noun. (adj.) stands for abjective  and so on.
     The dictionary improves people's use of language. you can select the right word to use. If you are not sure of the meaning of the word. refer to the dictionary; you will learn whether to use it or not to use it in that place.

   Dr. Samuel johnson is the father of the English Dictionary. He wrote it in 1775. He was very concerned about the English Language.