Saturday, March 28, 2015

Teenagers & entertainment

Teenagers & entertainment

The school was celebrating the 50th anniversary.every grade could select an item to show their parents some special thing about the school.They had to make some money towards the school funt too.
Grade Eights selected useful Hobbies.
Grade Nines selected An Exhibition.
Grade Tens selected Entertainment.
they prepared a programme of entertainment ane called it Teen entertainment.
   One item was music.were studentswho could play instruments.the frieds talked among themselves and decided to from a band.they broughttheir own instruments from home.They met the music teacher.The music teacher helped them to select the music.They selected some old favourites like,'Whispering hope';My bonney lies over the Ocean;'Clementine'and some modern ones:'Country Roads',andd the theme song,from the film The Titanic,"My heart will go on'  

Upagupta sl

Upagupta sl

Upagupta, the disciple of buddha lay asleep on the dust by the city wall of Mathura.
Lamps were all our,doors were all shut,and stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets,touching his breast of a light from a woman's lamp struck his forgiving eyes.It was the dancing-girl,starred with jewels,clouded with a pale-blue mantle,drunk with the wine of her youth.
She lowered her lamp and saw the young face,asterely beautiful.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015



    The Sinharaja foresit is the only undisturbed rainforest left in Sri Lanka. It is about 9000 hectaares in extent.Many of the plants are very rare.Over 60% of the tree species are found only in the lowland wet zone of Sri Lanka.if these species of trees were allowed to get destroyed,the world would lose them altogether.So it important that much offort is made to conserve this rich,valuable and fragile habitar.

The siharaja Rainforest is the largest rainforest reserve in Sri Lanka.In 1840 Sinharaja became a crown property.In 1988 the Sinharaja was made a National Wilderness 1989 UNESCO include the Sinharaja Forest in the World Heritage list, as the first National Heritage og Sri Lanka.

The Sinharaja forest is a home to many animals,birds,butterflies,insects,reptiles and trees.Ferns and mosses grow well as the climate is humid because of heavy rainfall.


The Importance Of Rainforests

    Tropical rainforests are located around the equator.The temperature around the equator is high.Hence the rate of water evaporation is high.As a result there is frequent rain in rainforests.They are found in South and Central America,Africa,in the islands around Australia and Asia The rainforest are important to human existence and the surroudings.Rainforests are a rich source of medicinal plants,food and useful forest products.They maintain about 50% of the plant,animal,bird,repitl and insect species of the world.These forests help to maintain a regular rainfall.They also stand as a buffer against floods,droughts and erosion.These forests produce a significant amount of the world's oxygen.


    Sinharaja provides a habitar for animals.The plants provide them with food.There are large mammals as well as small ones living there.The purple faced monkeys can be observed easily.They move about in groups.There are herbivores,carnivores as well as mixed feeders.The wild boar,the sambur,the mouse-deer and the barking-deer are some that you find in Sinharaja.There is also evidence of the presence of the leopard.Among others are the rusty many other varieties of small mamals.

Studies have recorded 147 species of birds.Some threatened species of birds are found in the Sinharaja.Among them are the ash-headed babbler.    

Monday, March 16, 2015

A dictionary is a book

A dictionary is a book 

A dictionary is a book from which people can find out what words mean, how they are spelt and pronounced. The words are arrenged in alphabetical order. Thus abroad comes before absent. because 'r' comes before 's' and so on. The order of every letter is taken into consideration.

  The pronunciation is given is signs that stand for various sounds. These signs are explained in the dictionary. Then an abbreviation or a short from will show the part of speech, e.g (n) stands for noun. (adj.) stands for abjective  and so on.
     The dictionary improves people's use of language. you can select the right word to use. If you are not sure of the meaning of the word. refer to the dictionary; you will learn whether to use it or not to use it in that place.

   Dr. Samuel johnson is the father of the English Dictionary. He wrote it in 1775. He was very concerned about the English Language.

Teenagers & entertainment

Teenagers & entertainment

The school was celebrating the 50th anniversary.every grade could select an item to show their parents some special thing about the school.They had to make some money towards the school funt too.
Grade Eights selected useful Hobbies.
Grade Nines selected An Exhibition.
Grade Tens selected Entertainment.
they prepared a programme of entertainment ane called it Teen entertainment.
   One item was music.were studentswho could play instruments.the frieds talked among themselves and decided to from a band.they broughttheir own instruments from home.They met the music teacher.The music teacher helped them to select the music.They selected some old favourites like,'Whispering hope';My bonney lies over the Ocean;'Clementine'and some modern ones:'Country Roads',andd the theme song,from the film The Titanic,"My heart will go on'  

Science And Technology

 Science And Technologyhas helped people to again control over nature. the first people had little control nature. they had to depend on nature for their living. they had only simple tools they did not know how to raise animals or plants.they had no permanent homes.animal skins were their only protection against the cold.the sun was their only source of light. with the passage of time,people discovered how to make fire and learnt to raise animals and cops.with the development of farming they began to build settlements, then they discovered new methods to make their work easier and to increase their comforts through the ages technology has helped people to build a more comfortable way of life......

some students grade 10 toput upasell for teen fashions. they collected sample designs from fashion magazines. they had clothes for both girls and boys they wrote to some well known stores asking them to display their at a display their wear.the dealers very pleased,and even offerd the clothes at a discounts were very happy...Nalani brought some of her own designs.her mother was a good seams trees,she had helped Nalani withthe designs,she had provided samples of different types of collars they were so good that people thought she had got them tailored .The stall also provided information on fabric types and designs.they also provided information on how to select clothes,such as the colours most suitable for different occasions and times of the day.........



   For an african woman of her and circumstance,Mama was very progressive in her thinking.Even today,as we appoach the end of the twentieth century,there are still countries ain Africa,where woman are ina such total dependency on the men that they do not have a right to a pension."Her husband will look after her" is the thinking of offcialdom,and this is reinforced by law.Despite an a abundance of evidence to the country,the myth persists that for every woman there is a man out there,who will always be able and willing to provide for her every need.And so in places where resources are scarce,it is the girl child who misswes out on an education.She is condemned to drop out school at an arly age;to remain blind or"unsighted" in the morden world.


An ten year old girl died due to a snake bite.This was revealed at an inquest help by the Kurunagla City Corner,in to the death of D.K Chandranie of Diddeniya.the father of the decccased,testfling at the iquest said that his wife had gone to the Middle East for was three years since she lest, He said"She hasn't yet come back. she didn't send me any money,so i had to goto Rajanganaya in search of a job. i got this sad news about my daughhter while i was tree.A snake had bitten her leg when she was on the way back from the temple with her grandmother.'The auropsy was conducted by the J.M.O,Kurunagala Teaching Hospital.



     Electronic mail,called e-mail was Started in the late 1960's by the armed forces of the United States of America.The army or military officers were looking for a way communications could be carried out in the event of a large-scale nuclear war.They needed a system that would be very decntralized,relible,and fast in case centralinstitutions were destroyed.They came up with e-mail.

In the early 1970's,e-mail was limited to the United States military, defense contractors and universities doing defense research.By the 1970's it had begum to spread more broadly within university communities. The early 1990's saw an explosion of the use of e-mail and other computer networking tools for a wide range of  Professional,academic,and personal purposes.Whereas a few thousand people were using e-mail in the 1980,it was estimated that in 2000,more than 25 million people thoughout the world were using it..

E-mail is a way of sedding a message from on computer to one or more computers around the world.First,you write down the e-mail address of the person you're sedding the massage to.Then you compose the massage,either by writing it directly in a special e-mail softwere. You psh button to issue a simple command to send the message. The computer System you're connected to will break the message up in to tiny pieces and send them electronically to the destination,usually over common telephone lines.The pieces might travel through different routes to various computers on the way. Then,usually within two tree minutes, the pieces will all arrive at their destination,where the receving computer will re-assemble them in to a message that can be read. the person receiving the massage can them log into his or her computer account at a convenient time and read the mail.

Today, in Sri Lanka, many professionals,especially those in urban areas, use's very useful and cheaper than making telephone calls.While overseas telephone calls are very expensive,e-mail messages can be sent to the same people at a fraction of the cost.Of course,both parties must have access to computers and telephones.The main problem with e-mail is that it's so dependent on telephone lines and electricity,that in developing countries like ours,it's not totaly reliable because you never know when the telephones will be out of order,or when there'll be a power cut.But as far as personal messages are concerned,e-mail is quicker and cheaper than methods such as the telephone or"Snail Mail"



   i've applied for a job at the Rich Bank,but it seems they're only taking people who're fluent in English.Of course,i toldthem,Im really very fluent,but from the way they looked at me.i knew they did't beleve me.

   I think I'm going too fast for you.What actually happened was this-I sent an application,without any thought about the qualification as such.I just wanted to work in a bank, because everybody says it's great to get loans and so on.

   Anyway,although i sent the application, i had no hope of being called for an interviwe.Can you beleve it-they actually sent me a letter asking me to come for an interviwe.

   I showed it to my parents-my mother was very proud,but my father laughed and said they must've called every applicant to the interviwe,without sorting out the application.

   I was not going to listen to him-I had already pictured myself as an executive,drinking coffee in an air-conditioned room behind a huge desk.

   May be i should've listened to him.The interviwe was a beging with,i did't have the right clothes-I was so desperate,i thought I'll were my school uniform,because that seemed the only proper thing I had

   luckily my friend Rehina,who lives next door said i could borrow any of her clothes I asked for a white blouse because i had read in a magazine that white and gray are the colours people associate with banks.She was surprised and said.Why white?"it's colour of mornning" i daid "No it's the colour banking"and she just shrugged her shoulders.shoulders.should've asked her for another colour-the entire interviwe panel was dressed in bright colours-and i went in white.

   To come back to the interviwe,they asked me about my school etc. which was fine-i answered all the questions.Then they asked me why i wanted to work in a bank,i was stuck-i didn't want to tell them about the money and the loans.While i was wondering what to say,a horrble man on the panel asked me what my English qualifications wre-i said,"O level" and he said that didn't mean a thing.Then,a worse thing happened-they said i had to come for the English Test this weekend-that's tommorrow-i don't know what to do.i hope they don'tgive any grammar questions,I'll fail as soon as i see them,and faint in to the bargain.

          See You Soon,Wish Me luck....



  Thanks to my mother i was a lucky. i did go to school. What is more, i went to secondary school as well as primary,and even to teacher traning.By the of age 19, i was "something" not only in my own eyes but also but in the eyes of the community.Such was the lack of educated people that even with qualifications,that would seem like ant spittle in other parts of the world, i was held in very high esteem. i was a one eyed giant in the land of the blind.

When at the age of 23,i found my self asingle parebt with three  children,who depended solely on me for their survival, i saw the tremendous advantage that was mine. Many a woman finding herself in a similar situation,would have had no other alternative but to find another man to provide dor her.

I chose to remain single.i decided to raise my three children alone.until the yougest finished high school. Why? i knew that any man marrying a women in her early twenties, would expect to have children with that woman.But i also knew that children are not cement; they do not glue a man to the woman who is the mother of his children.This what that brilliant teacher,bitter expreience,had taught me by this time..

Would i have been in a position to make those choices,had i not had my Teacher's Certificate,humble as it was? Would i have ever been aware that such choices existed,that it was not compulsory to be always attached to a men? i made those choices because i had the means of supporting myself and my children.i knew i would not be confined to menial jobs for the rest of my life.Although i had to work for some time as a domestic laborer,i knew that one day i would go back to teaching.And as soon as i was able to start teaching again,i astrted studying once more,



  my mother used to say. "He well never tire of you. if i were growing up during these times of yours, my child,i would not brother getting married. i would just make sure i got an education and then work for myself."

Even as a young child.i was aware of the tremendous importance of education."Akaconi"('s/he is blind'),say the Xhosa people of one who cannot read.Mama told me repeatedly that i would be insane not to fit my self with the only means of self-support that i could ever hope for-an education.She believed that just as we teach children to wolk,so we should give them at least primary education.Education is a debt that each genaration owes the next.



Jimmy please say you'll wait for me
i'll grow up some day you'll see
Saving all my kisses just for you
Signed with love forever true.

Rehina was a girl who lived next door
I've known her i guess ten years or more 
Rehina wrote me a note one day
And this is what see had to say 

Slowly i read her note once more
Then i went over to the house next door
Her teardrops fell like rain that day
When i told rehina what i had to say

Rhina Rehina please don't cry
you'll forget me by and by
you;re just fifteen i am towenty two
And Rehina i just can'twait for you.

Soon i lest our litlle hometown 
Got,me job and trid to settle down
But these words kept haunting my memory
The words that Rehina said to me

I packed my clothes and caught a plane 
I had to see Rehina,i had to explain
How my heart was filled with her memory
And ask my Rehina if she'd marry me

I ran all the way to the house next door
But things weren't like they were before 
My teardrops fell like rain that day
When i heard what Rehina had to say

Jimmy,Jimmy please don't cry
You'll forget me by and by
It's been five years since you've been gone
Jimmy I'm marred to your best Sachin...



    nce there was a woman who was greatly troubled by her husband.He no longer loved her.He neg lected her didn't seem to mind whether she was happy or sad.

So the woman took her troubles to the local herbalist.She told him her story,full of pity for herself and her sad plight.'Can you give me a charm to make him love me again?' she asked anxiously.

The herbalist thought for a moment and replied,' i will help you,but first you must bring me three hairs from the mane of a living lion.These i must have before i ca make a charm for you'.

The woman thanked the herbalist and went away.When she came near her home she sat down on a rock and began to think."how shall ido this thing?" There is a lion who often comes near my vilage,it is true.But he is fierce nad roars fearfully'.Then she thought again and at last she knew what she would do.

And so,early next morning she took a young lamb and to the place where the lion was accutomed to stroll about.she waited anxiously.At last she saw the lion approaching.Now was the time.Quickly she arose and leaving the lamb in the path of the lion,she went home.And so it was that everyday in the morning the woman would rise and take a young lamb to the lion.Soon the lion came to knew the woman,for she was always in the same place at the same time every day with a young and tender lamb.She was indeed akind and attentive woman.

it was not long before the lion begaan to weg his tail each time he saw her and would come close to her and he would let her stroke his head.Each day the woman would stay quietly stroking the lion.gently and lovingly.then one day when she knew that the lion trusted Her she carefully pulled three hairs from his name and happily set out for the herbalist's dwelling.

'See' she said trimphantly as she entered,'here they are and she gave him the three hairs from the lion's mane.

How is it that you have been so clever? asked the herbalist in amazement.

So the woman told him story of how she had patiently succeeded in winning the hairs from the lion.

As smile spread over the face of the herbalist,and leaning forwad,he said;You have tamed the lion,now tame your husband in the same way".



     The whole family had gathered from acrossthe country to witness the return of Emon Tochio's diary,lost on the jungle floor,after the battle of kangaw,in 1945.As Tochio's wife Toyoko,82,and his elest son,Akito,57,took afirst look at its yellowed pages;uncles,cousins,and inlawa crowded round wnd wept with delight.

Major Gordon Tollworthy,80 had kept the diary as a curiosity ever since he found it in Burma after the battle.He had served in the 25th Indian Division in the company of the Madras Sappers and Miners.

"It never occurred to me at the time it might belong to someone who was alive,because I was surrounded by dead bodies," he said at his home in East Susses. Six thousand miles away,in the gentle hills of Central Japan.lies the village of ichinomiya.

As i drove to the house where the writer of the diary had once lived,all the family members were waiting.Tochio's widow was at the front of the group." i haven't slept a wink because i was so excited that you were comming." "I'm delighted that i will finaly see the diary my husband told me so much about".

The family was so thrilled by the return of the diary that they now wat to visit Sussex to meet Major Tollworthy.Setting out to find the diary's owner had at first,his name had to be found in the 200 pages of tightly written japanese characters.It turned out to be a name written with a character,which is extremely rate and difficult to pronounce.

Once we had unravelled the name, we worked out where he was from by the post marks on letters,which he had meticulously stuck to the pages.

Miraculously, a call to Directory inquiries revealed an emon Tochio,listed in the village of ichinmia.Another Phone call found that,unfortunately,he had died,but his family was still there and knew that he had lost a diary in the war."i didn't belive it possible that the diary would ever be returned", said Akito :It's like a dream." Emon went off war in 1943 withthe Japanese artillery,and left for Burma.He returned to japan in 1947.after two years as a Prisoner of War.

Emon's 70 year old younger brother,Goro,could not avoud bursting in to tears,as he exolained what a bitter-sweet occasion it was."emon would"ve loved this. He would' ve had a drink and laughed at the wonder of it all." said Goro...

Non-Verbal Communication...

      Non-Verbal Communication...

         All of us communicate non-verbally as well as verbally.if irritated,we may tense our bodies,press our lips together,and gesture with our eyebrows,with a gaze,a glance or stare we can communicate intimacy,submission,or dominance.

Most of us are good at'reading'non-verble cues to understand the emotions in an old silent film. we are especially good at detecting non-verbale a crowd of faces,a single angry face will"pop out" faster than a single happy one. some of us are more sensitive these cues than others.

Robert Rosenthal and colleagues discovered this by showing hundreds of people brief film clips of portinos of a person's emotionally expressive face or body,some time with a garbled voice added.for example,after a two second scene revealing only the face of an upset woman,the researchers would ask whether the woman was expressing anger or discussing a divorce.Rosenthal and company repoted that some people are much better 'emotion detectors'than others, and that women were better at it than men.

The growing awareness that we communicate through the body's silent language has led to studies of how job appicants and interviewers communicate (or miscommunicate). There has also been a spate of guide books on how to interpret non-verbal signals.Whether negotiating a business deal or selling a product,it pays to be able to"Read"feelings.Fidgeting for example,may reveal anxiety or boredom.Different expressions may convey the same emotions;either a cold stare or the avoidance of eye contact may signify hostility.A given expression can also conbey very different emotions;folded arms,for example,can signify irrtation or relaxation.

Competence In English

Competence In English

Competence In English and the use of this language signify a transmutation; an added potential for material and sacial gain advantage. One sees this attitde in what english represents; it is considered a symbol of mordernization,a key to expaned functional and pluralistic societes.As if all this were not enough,it is also believed that English contriibutes to yet another type of transmutation; it intrnationalizes one's outlook. in comparison withother languages of wider communication, to know English is like possessing the fabled Aladdin's lamp. which permits one to open,as it were the linguistic gates to international busness,technology,science,and short,english provides linguistic power.

One might,then say that acquiring English going through a linguistic rencarnation.And from the perspectivers of the Indian subcontinent,English initiates one in to caste has power and,more important,that controls vital knowledge about the miracles passion for acquring English.

The legacy of colonial Englishes has resulted in the existence of several tranplanted varieties of English with distinct linguistic ecologies-their own contexts of Function and usage. Indian English,Pakistani English,Sri lankan English,nigerian English Are Examples.These non-native resulted in numerous sociolinguistic,linguistic and literary questions being posed which have rarely been asked about English before.

English represents the impact of a Western language as a restricted code of communication,which has rapidly become a symbol of power,authority and elitism in the non-Western such non-native contexts.English has become a vehicle of values not always in harmony with local traditions and beliefs.English is also an "in group" language,uniting elite speakers across ethnic,religious and linguistic boundaries.In other words,the elite,because it can function in English,uses it a tool to wield power in traditionally non-English speaking parts of the world....



                          Harischandra Maha Vidyalaya,
                                  Temple Road,

   Zonal Director of Education,

   Dear Madam/Sir,

   Ruqust for a Playground

   This is with reference to my letter of 06.01.2012 on the above subject. i write to express my sincere gratitude for the action tou look you took towards making available a playground for harischandra Maha vidyalaya.We appreciate the gret service you have done for the school.

   Thank You,
   Yours faithfully,




    Harischandra maha vidyalaya
    temple Road,

    Zonal Director of Education,

   Dear Madam/Sir,

   Ruquest for a Playground

   I am writing to you regarding an essential facility for Harischandra Maha Vidyalaya.

   The students face a lot of inconvenience because of the lack of a playground for the school,As a result,although there are many talentes they are unble to perform well at district level sports meets.
   I would be obliged if you could please make available a suitable ground close to the school where the students could practise.
   I should be glad if youn would give this matter your consideration.

   thank You,
   Yours Faithfully






1.Fill a job appication from.
2.Write a curriculum vitae/bio data
3.prepare for a job interviwe
4.Learn  the politeness markers for a job interviwe
5.Releply an interviwe

  When you apply for have to 
    Write a letter of application or a letter of interest
    fill an application from or
    write a curriculum vitae (also known as bio data)

First let's look at some of the pariculars found in an applycation form. you're appling for
    Book-Keeper;Grade 10
  2.your first name,middle name and sure name.
    also your ge name if you have one.
    lassana rishanage Rehina Rishani/Thushara Asanka
    Your surename with first lettes of your other names in front


  3.The address at which you want to receive letters.
  4.The date,month and year you when born.E.G 15.09.82
  5.Whether you are married or single
  6.Whether you're a citizen of Sri Lanka
  7.Educational qualifications(indicate the qualifications relevant to the post only.)
  8.Fluency in Languafes.
  9.Things yo do and things you are interestrd in outside your work/education.
  10.Referees:People who can recommend you

"E-mail My HEart"

"E-mail My HEart"

It's been hours,seems like days.
Since you went away...
And all I do is check the screen to see if you're okay
You don't answer when I phone
Guess You wanna be left alone
So I'm sending you my heart,my soul
And this is what I'ii say....


I'm sorry,I'm so sorry...
Can't you give me one more chance to make it all up to you?
e-mail my heart and say our love will never die...
I know,I know you're out there...
And i know that you still care.
I know you still care..
e-mail me back our love will stay alive forever
and in my heart...

I can see you in my mind,
Come along the line
And opening this letter that i sent a hundred times,
Here's a picture forgive me for the hurt i put you through.....