For an african woman of her and circumstance,Mama was very progressive in her thinking.Even today,as we appoach the end of the twentieth century,there are still countries ain Africa,where woman are ina such total dependency on the men that they do not have a right to a pension."Her husband will look after her" is the thinking of offcialdom,and this is reinforced by law.Despite an a abundance of evidence to the country,the myth persists that for every woman there is a man out there,who will always be able and willing to provide for her every need.And so in places where resources are scarce,it is the girl child who misswes out on an education.She is condemned to drop out school at an arly age;to remain blind or"unsighted" in the morden world.
An ten year old girl died due to a snake bite.This was revealed at an inquest help by the Kurunagla City Corner,in to the death of D.K Chandranie of Diddeniya.the father of the decccased,testfling at the iquest said that his wife had gone to the Middle East for employment.it was three years since she lest, He said"She hasn't yet come back. she didn't send me any money,so i had to goto Rajanganaya in search of a job. i got this sad news about my daughhter while i was tree.A snake had bitten her leg when she was on the way back from the temple with her grandmother.'The auropsy was conducted by the J.M.O,Kurunagala Teaching Hospital.
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